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Resource Assessment and Development Impact on Douc population at Son Tra Nature Reserve, Vn
Tổng quan tài liệu
Recent intensified development pressure at Son Tra Nature Reserve threatens one of the last places in Vietnam where red-shanked doucs survive in large numbers. Since the war, these doucs have survived development, hunting, capture and loss of feeding areas due to local government decisions. In 2016, Danang People’s Committee proposed a plan to construct hotels and villas to house more than 300,000 by 2025. Their construction will destroy more than 70% of the habitat necessary for the survival of this unique douc population. This paper identifies food items and the habitats used by doucs throughout the reserve. Food resource seasonality and the impact of weather are also presented. Maps identify douc feeding areas and the current and potential construction sites. Together they illustrate the consequences for the douc population if this massive development project is allowed to proceed. With the loss of adequate habitat and food resources, red-shanked doucs will follow the rhino and the tiger to extinction in Vietnam.
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